Vijay Kumar

Please emargency my pet


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My cat vomited in the morning and then she hasn't eaten since. She went out and killed a bird though and brought it to me. Is she fine?

3 comments36 views

I’m a Chameleon 🐶 Happy weekend everyone ⛅️

14 likes5 comments266 views

My 9 months old ShihTzu's hair is tangled near the neck. We comb him everyday but he never allow us to comb near his neck. How do we untangle his hair?

2 comments229 views

Hello , my Golden got her first heat . We would like to spay her for long term health benefits. When is the best time to go for it ? And what is the after care and how long does it take to recover ?

4 comments354 views

Looking for a retriever or shih tzu to adopt in Gurgaon. We will be best friends forever. Promise. Any leads appreciated.

1 likes213 views