Khushi Artani

Hello everyone, meet Laado!šŸ˜»


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Hey.. I have a shih tzu baby of 3 n a half months old.. Iā€™m travelling on work for two days, is there any place where I can leave him to be taken care of for those two days.. Could anyone plz suggest me

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can I feed rice and milk to my dog?

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can i give bath for my husky every week?

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What's a good anti flea shampoo? I tried Tail and Collar Club anti flea shampoo but the fleas remain. I don't wanna get my kittens sick by bathing them too much in this cold weather so what's a good effective way to get rid of these pesky fleas?

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Need a pet sitter for my 7 month old persian female cat ( 23rd -25 th feb ) Someone who can stay with her the whole time for these 3 days! Any leads would be appreciated:) Contact me - 9700234000

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