Prerona Bhattacharya

The feel of cushions and curtains are top rated 😘😄


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My dog suddenly ate a chocolate lava cake in my absence. What can I do to prevent him from any future digestive issues?

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Hi Can convenia cause any side effects Because after that My cat has stopped eating Who was actually eating very well And sleeps a lot

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I want to know that if any rescuer ... Because I am observing a dog on my back building from two weeks it was crying with lots of sound.. I think no one are staying with the dog...I can't see any humans are there.....they are coming very rare and taking care of that .... I am here to request rescuer to check the dog once... Thank you

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Zicobis very cute, playful and friendly to other pets as well as humans. He is a bundle of energy loves to play and is litter trained and dewormed. These furry balls are looking for a forever home. Will be great if they are adopted in pair as they are siblings and having a great bond.

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