Ankita Mishra

hi, I have 4.5 years female Lab and she is getting lot of skin issues. most of her skin around chest area and leg become red and she does lot of itching. please suggest any remedy except antibiotics.

Food alery mostly check with vet. Any change in dog food before this.
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
It's looks like bacterial mixed with fungal so better get close look by a vet then u can start the medication
Ankita Mishra
Earlier also she had these issues, vet gave her antibiotics, it got cured also for few months but come back again and again. Also with antibiotics she drinks lot water, her motion get hard and she look restless. So I am avoiding antibiotics now.
Lakshmy Menon
You can try Bach Flower Remedies...I am a Bach Flower Remedies therapist
I have a shihtzu of an year old. He also had same issues. Despite of using many tablets, antibiotics and every cream suggested, it remained same. So i gave him bravecto. After that for 3 months he didn't have any issues. But the night i gave him the tablet, he panted heavily. But by morning everything is fine again

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Eat or Pass? 3. Chapatis Chapatis are a staple of an Indian household and are commonly fed to street dogs and pets. It might again come as a shock but wheat chapatis are not healthy options to feed dogs. Wheat Chapatis contain gluten which is not healthy for dogs in the long run. But, you can always feed chapatis made up of other gluten-free alternatives like quinoa and millet. You can also use curd as an additive to your pet's meal for their gut health.

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