Ruma Maity

Hi, i have a female spitz dog 1.6 yrs old fully vaccinated spayed very friendly. Due to my health i am Not able to take care of her. If anyone interested to adopt pls


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Cat ear has wound since one year ..pus is coming

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Hi my dog is a 2.5 yr old female lab, we adopted her in September last year, since then she was pooping greenish stool which was then resolved. I gave her gizzard with rice and vegetables in meal twice a day. But now again she is pooping very little and the stool is dark in color from outside and yellow from inside. Also she has developed this hairloss patch around her collar area. Is all this related and how to treat it? The regular deworming is recently done.

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Hello there, I want to get my pet’s nails and fur cut under his paw and oral cleaning. Don’t need shower or shampooing. Is just trimming and cutting of nails/fur is possible without bath, shampooing?

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