Akhil V Kumar

Today, I found a few 1 inch tapeworms in my dog's faeces.Exactly like the ones in this video: https://youtube.com/shorts/Mwvh7ElA4Hc?feature=share My dog is a 3 year old female Golden Retriever 32KGs. Her last deworming was in December 2022. Please let me know what tablet to give, if I can buy it from a local medical store, and whether I could administer it myself. Thanks.

Bella, Dog, Golden Retriever, Female
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
U have to deworm the pet once in 3 months and based on the body weight u have to give deworming tablet U can give her the oral tablet Kiwoff XL- 1 tablet before food Repeat the course after 3 months U can get this tablet in any of the petstores or pet clinic

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