Aparna Shahare

how frequently deworming should be done of dogs?

Gauri, Dog, Indie, Female
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Upto 6 months of age once in a month u have to deworm the pet based on body weight and after 6 months once in 3 months u can deworm the pet
Aparna Shahare
my dog while walking she is urinating, it's like drop by drop. I can't say it's a vaginal discharge because it looks like urine. What can be the cause?
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Check whether the discharge is from vagina or just the urine
Aparna Shahare
I think its urine
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
If it is urine as she is passing drop by drop get the check up by a doctor once
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
If there is issue in the urinary system they pass drop by drop so we have to rule it out
Aparna Shahare
Okay thank you doctor. I will be following your instructions

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