Shreya agrawal

I gave banana to 2 months old golden retriever and his hair started falling are these two related ? Shoul i take him to vet !

Barney, Dog, Golden Retriever, Male
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
No banana wonot cause hair fall, is it patchy loss or dead hair are falling out
Shreya agrawal
Dead hair
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
It is normal, seasonal loss of hair will be there try to brush the coat daily and give salmon oil twice daily
Shreya agrawal
Sure thanks :) Also i am having dog for the first time i am not really sure if it is dead hair could you tell ne the difference that i should look for ? Between patch and dead hair?
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Patchy loss means hair loss will there and u can see patches of skin because of that hair loss, dead hair means when u touch they will be fall out
Shreya agrawal
Thanks !:)

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