Vaishnavi Aggarwal

Hello... I have a golden retriever who is 19 months.. the thing is he sleeps 18 hours a day.. is it normal?

Kyro, Dog, Golden Retriever, Male
Dr. Shraddha Singh
That’s not normal sleeping too much What do you feed him?? But nothing to worry about
Vaishnavi Aggarwal
I feed him only acana kibble
Dr. Sanjay G C
Sleeping 18hrs that's too much!! 1. Need to check on what food and quantity you are feeding 2. Is he on any kind of treatment or medications ? If not these We need to keep him on observations for some more days
Vaishnavi Aggarwal
How many hours should a dog of his age sleep?
Dr. Sanjay G C
In Adult dog around 10 - 12 hrs that too depends on the conditions like exercise..,, etc and mentioned above conditions
Vaishnavi Aggarwal
One full cup of food of acana twice and 4 walks of 20 minutes each.. he is not on medication
Rahul Sakla

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