Spoorti Kumatgi

Guys, raise your glasses (preferably the unbreakable kind) and let's toast to Bira and Gin, the dynamic duo that went from scaredy-cat and intimidating doggo to partners in crime, leaving a trail of chaos and laughter in their wake. Cheers to their unlikely friendship and may they continue their reign of delightful destruction!

Nikhil Bansal

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what should be the ideal weight of a 11 month old golden retriever? what should be given to the dog if he is underweight?

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My 7 month shih Tzu has vomited twice in morning in past 4 days. We are giving Rantac before food and Metrogyl after food twice a day 1 ml each. This morning we again saw white foamy vomit in his bed and gave the rantac. Afterwards he is not eating anything but drinking water. His stool is normal and so are his activities. We tried giving pumpkin, curd and his treat biscuits but he just puts in his mouth and then out. Should we be worried?

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Hello doc, Phoebe (3.5 months) has been pooping multiple times since yesterday afternoon. And in little quantities, semi solid. Dark brownish green.. Only once vomited in the night, and most of the food eaten during the day came out undigested. She had curd rice with egg in the afternoon and Pedigree kibbles with chicken gravy in the night. Any suggested medications? Or go light on food today? What do I give her today? She had oats with some boiled veggies in the morning.

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Phoebe is extremely fussy about eating kibbles. I've tried all sorts of concealed feeding - with rice, curd, liver topping, chicken gravy.. Nothing works. She is used to home made food - ragi, dal/curd rice with veggies, eggs (twice a day), oats. So looks like kibbles arent that appealing anymore. Shd I be worried, given we don't feed chicken? She seems to be healthy, active and fit in general. Can I ease out kibbles in that case?

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Whiskey got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️

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