Raja Sangameshwar

My pet feels very anxious the moment I leave her alone in the room. She pees near the gate almost always. I've tried giving her some slow treats while leaving the room but she brings that and sits near the gate, and sits and whines. Any suggestions?

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
That behaviour will be there when pet is young and if u leave them alone, so u can get the training done or always a person should be there with them in young age
Raja Sangameshwar
OK thanks. Should we expect this behaviour to ease once she's able to get some more physical activity - because she's only 2 months now, so longer walks are not possible. Or there should be a conscious training? If so, from when and how?
Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
U can get the training done at this age also, this behaviour is not related to physical activity but it is related to age as the pet is young u can notice this behaviour
Raja Sangameshwar
Thank you!
Sunidhi Pandey
Two months is a very young age. Try to let her be in her own space even when you're together. Don't hold or cuddle very much with her. Slowly shift her bed/mattress further away from your room if it's in there.. always give treats when asking her to go to her place (bed).. In the most empty room.. give her a lick mat with very little peanut butter or curd spread on it and close the door.. let her spend some alone time..start with 10-15 mins and then slowly increase the time.. maybe this will help
Raja Sangameshwar
Thanks. Will try the Lick mat option 👍

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