
My pet , Rottweiler breed is diagnosed with high diabetes,and slight liver jaundice,he has reduced his intake food,like having only chicken,eggs,or biscuits or rotis,not eating rice or vegetables and fruits,is it normal at this condition and he is on2 insulin shots everyday,I'm worried about his health,can anyone guide me on his diet ,to give n not to gv.

Hey Pet Parent, We recommend you to connect with a Pet Nutrition Expert for diet consultation. You can book an Online Nutrition Consultation from our services page.
Trupthi Jain
Never feed rotis to dogs nor human biscuits
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hello. You should provide l ow carbohydrates but a high protein diet. Whatever the food be, it should be given at same time with same quantity every day. If this isn't followed, the insulin dose might change again and again. The Royal canin's diabetic food is also a good option. But to know more about what food to give and to avoid, consult kuddle nutritionist.

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