1 year agoWater is coming out of the mouth and full voice is doing pain. It is 1 week old: Cat's baby.please help me its very small baby only 1 week old I don’t have any idea please suggest1 comments•50 views
2 years agohy I've got a German shepherd puppy his name is chocky 41 days old he is been dull for last 2 days like not eating well his month was hot and he is not even touches cerolic also please is there any ?9 comments•14 views
2 years agoWelcoming Badhra home is the best memory of him. He came in during the pandemic when everything around was so gloomy. Every moment after he came is so joyous.Badhra is a blessing for our family.He is such a brat and always full of energy. Naughty to the core. Love him loads 💕💕24 likes•2 comments•32 views