Preethi kumar



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3 Most important nutrients in cat's diets

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What to get a surgery done for my female, dog to prevent reproduction and periods.. Wanted suggesions

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My shitzu is 1.5 yrs old and past few weeks it has become grumpy. He is also being less active. Should i take him to a doctor

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My shih tzu is 2+ months old. She doesn't sleep at all at night. And also too much biting. What should I do?

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Eat or Pass? 3. Chapatis Chapatis are a staple of an Indian household and are commonly fed to street dogs and pets. It might again come as a shock but wheat chapatis are not healthy options to feed dogs. Wheat Chapatis contain gluten which is not healthy for dogs in the long run. But, you can always feed chapatis made up of other gluten-free alternatives like quinoa and millet. You can also use curd as an additive to your pet's meal for their gut health.

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