Prarthana Gowda

My rottweiler puppy is is 55 days old and today from 5 am she's trying to pee but max 3-5 drops of pee is coming out. Should I be worried?

Roxy, Dog, Rottweiler, Female
Nikhil Bansal profile
Nikhil Bansal
She may have an infection, better to get a vet consultation here
Dr. Tajunnisa M profile
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hi Prartana. Your pet might be suffering either from Urinary tract infection or urolithiasis. It’s advisable to get urine examination done along with clinical check up.

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Hi Doctors,

My pet Golden Retriever puppy (55days) is eating well and on time but he’s potty is watery. Any thing to worry for that it is happening from past two days.

Note: I am feeding him 4 times a day with Pedigree mixed with Royal Canin maxi starter.

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