Jayaraj Dhami

How can i stop my female cat from getting pregnant?

Dr. Shraddha Singh
Get your cat spayed

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hii i have one husky female of 3 months baby today morning when she did potty some smoke is coming on potty can anyone help me like why this happening???

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BANGALORE ADOPTION /FOSTER ALERT🤍 ✨ Chikoo (F) approx 30days old . Vaccination and deworm in progress . A bundle of happiness , chubby & absolutely adorable . 🐾 ♥️ 🤩 If intrested to give them homes whatsapp 9110698650

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My golden retriever is not active and depressed from morning. Also, she is tired and her body is burning. What should I do doctor?

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What is the greater gift then having a cat, that purring that troubling, that caring,that annoying, but most of all a loving cat, friendly cat, ohh that not all about cat, most of all they will listen to you care abt you respond to u in there own way.. Happyness is all about having a cat.

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Hello.. my pup is 2 months old and he has started biting us.. what’s the reason and solution for this?

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