Abe Clark

Come here tea

Nikhil Bansal

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Madam im totally confused about my puppy dog breed anybody tell me which breed this is

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Hi! My 4 months old female lab seems to get distracted quite often while having her meals and also seems disinterested. We provide her 4 meals a day (kibbles twice, once curd rice and once veggies+curd plus 2 eggs a day, no chicken till date). She is active throughout the day but also pants a lot during day time especially in the afternoons. She loved to eat curd rice but from past 3-4 days she seems disinterested. Also her teeth are falling. Any suggestions would be helpful.

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My dog does not allow me to touch his paws or bath, he becomes very ferrious when we try to give him bath, or try to check him for fleas etc what to do?

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Is milk thistle seeds good for dog’s healthy liver?

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Me n my baby on my birthday ❤️

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