
3 male kittens available for adoption. They are vaccinated. Looking for a new spacious home...🏠

3 Male Kittens, Cat, Indian, Male, Vaccinated

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Summer recipes for dogs and cats

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My dog is limping slightly on his forelimb. It is the same leg where he was bitten severely by another dog and there were two puncture wounds. Those have healed but he has pain in that area. What can I do about it? Please advise.

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To make your Christmas merrier, we are sharing a few snaps of the cutest pets we met during our Christmas celebration at House of Hiranandani and Purva Westend. Check out our latest post on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/p/CmoM8iQLcSZ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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Hey, so my dog had a recent visit to a spa and subsequently developed a few rashes around the neck. His body has also been extra warm for the past 2 days. No additional behaviour changes and dietary routine is also as usual. I am assuming it’s an allergic reaction; any recommendations on antihistamines or should I book a vet consultation?

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