Ruchi Tak

My dog is become habitual eating by my hand, if i deny to feed her she doesn’t eat by herself .. how can i change her this habit

Lichee, Dog, Labrador Retriever, Female
Kumar Vansh Moondra
Yes, pls advise on this. Same with my pet too
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Hi, if your pet is healthy otherwise you can start being strict by giving food only thrice a day(once in 8 hours) and remove the food bowl after 15 mins if your pet is not eating. You can flavour the meals with some favourite treats, to make sure the pet is eating at least that. If your pet finishes the meal you can give a treat in the bowl at the end to encourage this behaviour. Before doing this please make sure the pet is absolutely healthy, by doing a basic blood test.
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Skipping full meals can sometimes lead to acidity and vomiting during the training period, you can give a simple antacid to manage this.
Ruchi Tak
She is healthy she eats 1-2 bites of her meals and then she forces by holding my hand through ber mouth, or resting her face on me making that cute innocent face 😀
Ruchi Tak
Liquid food she wants me to feed her with spoon by holding her mouth and solid food she wants to eat by my hand
Dr. Anukarna Singh
If you want to discourage this behaviour you have to be strict and not feed her by hand even if she indicates you to.
Ruchi Tak
Okay .. Thank you

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