My female golden is in active heat, there is discharge. This morning she vomited her kibble from last night. After that we gave her lunch of buttermilk with rice which she vomited after couple of hours. She's active and has an appetite. Is this abnormal during heat? Will take her for a check up tomorrow
Hi Sridhar. Vomiting and heat are unrelated issues but pets go anotectic during heat. You can get her clinically checked from a vet tomorrow, till then give her Tab Ondem 4mg (1-0-1) before food.
An update for folks reading the post, upon physical exam, doc said most likely gastritis. Gave anitemetic injection and pills to be given 30min before food.
Further update, she vomited slightly yesterday morning. Took her to vet, they did CBC, lft, kft. Every thing normal, so didn't opt for PCR. Doc gave some syrup and asked to report if she vomits again.