Dipu Oinam

Hi my name is Chess…. I was born with naughtiness but now i am bit sober. See you guys around.

Whatta lovely name 🤭❤️

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Baying dogs


How to prevent dogs fever

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Our Pomeranian 1.7 years pet frequently has below issues once in two weeks - 1. Vomit ( toxic foam like water ) 2. And if it gets severe he ll be very low for 2 to 3 days ( like he keeps standing at same place, it won't be active as normal days ). Food habit : 7 am : rice + curd + milk 2pm : rice + curd + some vegetables ( this we started from yesterday ) 7 pm : rice + curd + milk Please suggest what needs to be done or is there any serious problem.


Hi, since it’s too hot these days, my 4 year old golden retriever was finding it very difficult to manage. So we decided to groom him but after observing some red rashes on his body we ended up shaving him completely. This is the 2nd time he’s shaved like this. 1st time it was on the vets recommendation done 2 years ago. I was looking at articles if is it fine to shave the retrievers and everything said “Never shave retrievers” so I’m concerned to know if it’s good or bad so that we can be careful next time.

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Is your pet's diet as healthy as it could be? Get vet-approved diet plans for your pet for free on "Kuddle Food" 🐶🐱 Check it out 👇 https://kuddle.pet/home/navigation/food

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