
My pets poop all over the building how do I train them

Oreo, Dog, Indie, Female
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hi Samvardhini. 1. Set up a regular routine. Take your pet out to pass stools to a specific place/spot each time, every 2 hours until he is completely trained. 2. Use a specific word as a command always while taken out for potty. 3. Never punish or yell at your pet. 4. Reward with treats once done. For better results, take help of kuddle professionals.

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I want to know that if any rescuer ... Because I am observing a dog on my back building from two weeks it was crying with lots of sound.. I think no one are staying with the dog...I can't see any humans are there.....they are coming very rare and taking care of that .... I am here to request rescuer to check the dog once... Thank you

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