Harshal Khodifad

Helo folks, my stupeed dad is using his stupid brush to groom me. Even after groomed his hand pinching takes my hair out. (That schmuck with white coat said to hurt me torture me twice a day with stupiiid brush). Can you folks pls suggest stuupid man a gooooood bruuush? Love you all. Leo the golden retriever 4 months old for all the girls growing!

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
U can use any of the dog brush to groom ur puppy
Hey Leo, We recommend you to try Kuddle's professional grooming. DIY grooming can be hectic for both pet and pet parent, whereas professional groomers ensure the use of best quality products and right equipments. Kuddle groomers will ensure your safety and convenience throughout the grooming process. You can pass on this message to your lovely hooman so they can book a session for you :)
Harshal Khodifad
Thank you Kaveri mam.
Harshal Khodifad
Hey Kuddle team... I booking myself. Hooman sleeps all day long 🙄
See you soon 🐾🐶

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