
Rajapalayam Puppies for adoption 45 days vaccination done To adopt puppies please message or call us on WhatsApp / dm 8050905074


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hello,doctor my dog(golden retriever) is 2years old . I think she is having a stomach upset she is crying 🥺 wt should I do?

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hello my lab is constantly eating his poop what will be the reason for that?

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Welcoming Badhra home is the best memory of him. He came in during the pandemic when everything around was so gloomy. Every moment after he came is so joyous.Badhra is a blessing for our family.He is such a brat and always full of energy. Naughty to the core. Love him loads 💕💕

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My dog bread shihtzu 5 months 5 day Dog not eating food properly

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Nala got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️

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