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Hi Doc , I have a 2month old shih tzu. I am feeding him 5 times a day and last meal is at 11pm .Do I have to feed mid night?

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cats giving birth a lot of times will reduce there lifespan nd if so .. what is the max time a cat shd give birth

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BANGALORE FOSTER/ ADOPTION ALERT 🤎 Mr. Ginger, 2.5 months old. He’s filled with sweetness.🥰Vaccinated and dewormed . If interested to adopt him, please connect on WhatsApp 9110698650 / DM us.


My 9months old male Labrador ate almost 3/4 litres of coconut oil when we were not at home.he is having diarrhoea in green color now.what can we do, as medical shops are also not available this time.

31 comments28 views

2 months old husky losing hair over nose. What can be done. Please help

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