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Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App
Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App

Riya Watwe

Please help me adopt him 🥹 he’s the sweetest little boy. I found him abandoned in a jute rug along with another pup who was already dead. I really hope he finds a warm and loving home he deserves.

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Chandu, Male
Indie, 1 month old
💉 Vaccinated
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Chandu, Male
Indie, 1 month old
💉 Vaccinated
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Chandu, Male
Indie, 1 month old
💉 Vaccinated
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Chandu, Male
Indie, 1 month old
💉 Vaccinated
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Chandu, Male
Indie, 1 month old
💉 Vaccinated