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Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App
Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App


Adoption Alert! I rescued this cat near JP Nagar Rameshwaram Cafe. He is extremely playful and a cuddle bug. I bathed him and deflead him. He is looking for a forever home. Please DM or contact at 8861024722 if your interested. Cat's name: Not named yet Age: 1 month maybe Gender: Male Location: JP Nagar Dewormed: Yes Vaccinated: NA, too young Neutered: NA, too young Parent cats are there with you?: No

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Tiger, Male
Indian, 1 year old
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Tiger, Male
Indian, 1 year old
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Tiger, Male
Indian, 1 year old
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Tiger, Male
Indian, 1 year old






1st dose of vaccination is within 45 days, plz take to a vet.