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My lab is not eating his food from past few days. He has become a fussy eater lately. He is ok eating biscuits or buns but not rice or other food. I and my wife leave him home alone when we go for office. Is this a reason he is not eating?
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DON'T. DISTURB. SLEEPING. DOGS. Dogs need 12-14 hours of sleep EVERYDAY. It's the time their body heals, and just like us sleep is equally important for them. Don't take your dog's emotions for granted. You don't “own" them. Respect their boundaries, and give them space whenever they want to be left alone, and specially never disturb them when they are sleeping or eating, or you'll break their trust. 💔 How many hours your dog sleeps everyday? 🤔
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My little brat his name is Toddy and he is 4 months old !!! Love him for his naughty and cute behaviour!! He started biting 🤣🤣🤣🤣God bless me !!
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My Persian cat bitten me is necessary to take medication
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