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John Paul
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Hi sir I am interested to adopt her , please inform me ,7022634516
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Doctor, My golden retriever dog which is 1 year and 5 months and weighs around 32kgs has very bad ear infection, slightly bad smell and while cleaning with wet wipes noticed good amount of dark color wax . Have cleaned his both ears using salicylic acid ear cleanser...please let us know what medicines to be given for ear infection
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hi...got 3 kittens for free adoption...going to be one month on Nov 13th... please get in touch
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Hello Dear Doctors,, Priyanka this side. I have a 2 years pomeraninan male pet, Every 2 weeks it often vomits yellowish or whitish foam like water. Please suggest what is it about ?
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My toy poodle is 52 days old. Adopted her 4 days back. she is refusing to eat all mini pup starters (kibbles). She was only eating cerelac but not much. since yesterday she is vomiting white colour vomit and yellowish poty. Need help! PS i am a very new pet parent.
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