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Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App
Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App

Swarnima Nishant

Bangalore Adoption !!! Mr. Happy is a 7-8 months old cross breed beautiful baby, who is compact in size, active, playful and a little naughty. This is also to say he is a very bright and a happy baby and you will never have a dull moment with him around. He was running pillar to post confused looking for his family that had the cruel heart to abandon him. We saw him nearly getting hit by a moving car and that’s when we rescued him. We took him under our care and now he is all set to go to his forever home. Mr. Happy is fully vaccinated ,dewormed, neutered and toilet trained and also very easy on walks. He is super adorable and loves being around humans. He can be a great companion to kids and other doggos. If you are looking to include Mr. Happy in your family and give him a second chance please ping us on WhatsApp at 7840044455 with a little introduction about yourself and your experience with dogs. Foster Location : HSR layout

Post image
Happy, Male
Indie, 1 year old
🐾 Neutered
💉 Vaccinated
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Happy, Male
Indie, 1 year old
🐾 Neutered
💉 Vaccinated
Post image
Happy, Male
Indie, 1 year old
🐾 Neutered
💉 Vaccinated






Mr. Happy’s smile is contagious ❤️❤️❤️❤️



Yash Saxena
