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Sabyasachi Das
Contact number : 8884290462. Call me if interested in adopting.
Bhargavi Chandrashekar
Sabyasachi Das
Neeladri road, hosa road
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My pug is sleepy all the time. Eat only in the evening. Active in the evening. Is there a problem?.
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Hello. I am a new cat parent. I got it as my birthday gift. It's a 2 month old Persian cat. Can anyone tell me when should it be fed and groomed ??
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Hello All My puppy is 7 weeks old. When can I start bathing him? What supplements should I give? He is a Golden Retriever. Currently I give Digyton Plus ( digestive ) and Proviboost ( multivitamins and amino acids ). Any supplements for bones, hair etc? When can I start potty training? What age can overall behavior training should ideally start? Should I brush his teeth or use mouth freshner? If so, how often?
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