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Achal BN

Hi Doctor, My dog has gone reddish poop today morning, He looked quite struggling while passing poop. Looked like little blood coloured I had just changed his food to one time sniffy from yesterday. Please advice what should be done.




Dr. Tajunnisa M

Hello. A sudden change in the diet may cause such symptoms. An introduction of new food should always be in little quantity initially. Consider giving 10 to 20% of new food for 2 to 3 days and increase the percentage gradually.



Dr. Tajunnisa M

Let this episode subside. May be after a week you can start giving small quantities of new food as mentioned above. This condition will resolve on its own usually in a day. If it continues, kindly get him checked by a veterinarian.



Dr. Anukarna Singh

Hi, this is a symptom of large bowel diarrhoea which is a food/ water borne infection. In Summers food and water gets contaminated very easily, monitor to make sure you give only filtered water and keep changing the water in his bowl frequently. Monitor to make sure your pup is not drinking tap/ rain water. Also food should not be left outside for too long to avoid spoilage. You can start him on a probiotic, if he is not feeling better you might have to get him checked and start him on antibiotics.



Achal BN

Sure doctor thankyou. Will follow accordingly. For now I'll go back to the earlier diet I was giving him