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I had dewormed my 5 month old kitten on 15th. She is eating well but has diahherea for 3 days since deworming. Today (18th) she is slightly inactive . On 16th her sibling passed away as she was vomiting with worms n was hiding. Few hours before she passed away she was foaming in her mouth. will this affect my kitten what should I do??
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This is Shadow, please shower your love on her over here https://instagram.com/iamshadow_sunshine?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==. This is the link to the instagram account.
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Rambo’s Grooming Day
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I have to give training for my pet dog , breed lab. Need information on pricing.
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Which cat food will help me to gain her weight, she is one month old, please suggest best cat food or KMR ?
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