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Rajeev Ahmed
please share me your number ,so we can reach you out for more details tq
Mani Ratnam
Hi Everyone, Subbi has got a lovely home and she got adopted today by a very kind family. thanks for all the interest.
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Bozo Wags Veterinary Hospitals and Pet Services are looking for a foster or an adopter, for a 6 months old pup(indie+pug). Have attached the pictures of her. For more details you may reach out to them on 8867256782.
Ginger's first time swimming:)
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My dogs literally taught me to embrace peace in my life no matter what is going on around me. On bad days I have to clear my mind when I am with them and live in that moment. Their love and trust have completely changed my life for the better. I can never repay what they have done for me
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