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my 6 months old lab puppy had cough...pls suggest for remedy
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Hello Doctor, i have 3 year old Siberian husky. He is not eating properly from 1-2 weeks especially in afternoon, but he is active and there is no other issues physically(no issue with stool or behaviour). Is there any particular reason?
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My dog puked bile yesterday morning and at night. She didn’t eat her breakfast or dinner yesterday, but ate her lunch and had curd at night. This morning again she refused to eat her breakfast and refused dahi as well. Her behaviour is fine, she’s energetic and playing with our other dog. What could be the possible issue?
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Cheeku is a super smart, 1 year old baby adorable ,very playful and perfectly clingy dog. perfect companion to have for life,unfortunately my golden retriever is not jelling up well with Cheeku and it has become very difficult for us to have them both under the same roof.I have tried to have them both trying different techniques but it isnt working out, so with heavy heart I am in search for a perfect home for my little baby Cheeku.Anyone intetested please DM.
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