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Hello Dear Pet parents, I am thinking of training my 3 month old pet for seperation anxiety from Kuddle. They have multiple packages. However, am curious to know if anyone here have opted for separation anxiety training for your pet and I would love to hear your thoughts after the training. Did you find it effective ? Can you share your experiences please. I got a call from kuddle for training however they could not give success rate details after training. they are okay to provide refund if training is not effective. I dont want to opt for training and take the route of refund rather would love to hear your honest experiences and decide please 🙏
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I need Labrador puppy for adaptation
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My 7 month shih Tzu has vomited twice in morning in past 4 days. We are giving Rantac before food and Metrogyl after food twice a day 1 ml each. This morning we again saw white foamy vomit in his bed and gave the rantac. Afterwards he is not eating anything but drinking water. His stool is normal and so are his activities. We tried giving pumpkin, curd and his treat biscuits but he just puts in his mouth and then out. Should we be worried?
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My cat is pooping liquid and diarrhea
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