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Joan Shreya
Hey is there any other puppy available?
Hi pleae contact me 8297752482
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Yesterday we bought 4months old shihtzu puppy. He is eating and drinking properly but not active at all. Not responding properly. If I am giving him treat he is eating but he is not making an effort from his side to take the treat. Tried taking him for walk but he is sitting in one corner and sometimes shivering. Whenever I hold him he hold me very tightly. No running, no walking. Whenever we leave him, he trues run and hide somewhere. What to do in this case ? Why he is not becoming friendly with us ? It’s so painful seeing him like this.
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What can I do for this ? So that this is completely removed? Please help
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Whiskey got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️
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Here’s Archie responding and appreciating a good breakfast ❤️
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Hi Doctors, The age of my Golden Retriever pup is 70 days now, 10 weeks old. Would it be okay to bathe him?
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