AArchana1 month agoNo remarks, but she will bark moreRoobi, FemaleHuskita, 1 year old💉 VaccinatedRoobi, FemaleHuskita, 1 year old💉 VaccinatedRoobi, FemaleHuskita, 1 year old💉 VaccinatedRoobi, FemaleHuskita, 1 year old💉 VaccinatedRoobi, FemaleHuskita, 1 year old💉 VaccinatedRoobi, FemaleHuskita, 1 year old💉 Vaccinated12444
10 months agoStoriesI have a golden retriever puppy age 75 days old in Bangalore. If anyone interested to adopt, please comment to show your interest. We can discuss further. Thanks, Nishant3 likes•6 comments•243 views
2 years agoQnAwhat should be the ideal weight of a 11 month old golden retriever? what should be given to the dog if he is underweight?1 comments•61 views
6 months agoQnAHi, my 2 year old female cat has been urinating on my bed every night since the last 1 month and I don't understand why, the litter is super clean and she urinates only in the night, about once on my bed. She never does it in the morning or when we're awake. This has not happened previously. What could be the issue? At this point, I think she's become accustomed to doing so. I don't know what to do.1 comments•145 views