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Adopt cutie today!
Sign up to connect with Chaithanya and help cutie find their forever home. Bring happiness home today!
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Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App
Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App


"Rescue Their Lives: Adopt Today" Every day, we struggle to keep these sweet puppies safe. Despite our best efforts, they still wander too close to roads, where they're at risk of being hit by passing vehicles. Leaving them here only puts them in harm's way, and we can’t bear to lose another precious life. Please consider opening your heart and home to one of these puppies. By adopting, you're not just gaining a loyal friend—you’re saving a life. If you or anyone you know is interested in adopting, please reach out. Together, we can give them the safe and loving home they deserve.

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cutie, Male
Indie, 1 month old
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cutie, Male
Indie, 1 month old