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Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App
Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App

Arpita Das

Rescued this cat near my apartment. Very cute, loves humans, is not scared of anything. Loves to take pets and purrs a lot. Very fast and loves curd rice and felix cat food. Very low maintenance and endearing. He is a male and is about 8 months to 1 year old. Any adopters are welcome!

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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated
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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated
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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated
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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated
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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated