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Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App
Experience in home grooming, training and door step delivery all in one App

Arpita Das

Rescued cuddly cat , Idli. He eats curd rice, idli and ghee, chapati, and dry nd wet cat food with any raw meat if you can give anytime. He eats almost everything (except anything with spices and toxic food for cats). He loves humans and will need little to no maintenance. Help us give him a better home.

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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated
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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated
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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated
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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated
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Idli, Male
Indian, 1 year old
💉 Vaccinated