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Preeti N

Hi. My Shih Tzu puppy is 2 months old. He currently has 4 to 5 meals i.e half a scoop of wheat apple cerelac and 1 scoop of puppy starter pack of royal canine . I have noticed when I increase the cerelac he scratches himself a lot. May be he’s lactose intolerant . So I increased royal canine but he doesn’t completely finish his meal as he can’t digest too much of it.His urine colour is dark yellow when he has only royal canine .I have to mix half a scoop of cerelac because he likes the taste . What about home cooked meals ? Any suggestions ?





Dr. Anukarna Singh

At this age your puppy doesn't need cerelac anymore, it can be stopped. To understand if you are giving the correct quantities please refer to the specification chart on your food pack. The food should be fixed with liberal amount of water to make it soft. This will ensure the pup is able to digest it well and also maintain good water intake. Home cooked food like egg/chicken with rice can be started slowly.