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Edula Sri Ranga Srihit Reddy
Hello I would like to adopt spike... if nobody contacted you yet... please call me, here is my contact 9110391116
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Hello, my 16 month old golden retriever seems to have developed a lump on the side just below his ribs. This is the first time I'm noticing it so it must have developed over the last couple days or so. It seems to be beneath the skin (nothing visible over the skin) and movable while examining. Could you please suggest what to do? It doesn't seem to pain or affect him at this point.
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There is excessive hair shedding happening for my 9 month old female puppy.. what could be the reason? Just a slight touch on her body sheds around 5 to 10 hairs .. Please do suggest some remedies
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Luffy’s tired of the weather which is stopping him play outside :/
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