2 years agoQnAI have a female persian cat, she's 6 months old now. She just doesn't poop or pee in the litter box, and goes wherever she wants to. I'm tired and fed up of this behavior and have tried everything from changing the litter to putting drops in the litter, taking her to the litter box when she poops and also giving treats. Nothing works. Please help.4 comments•24 views
2 years agoQnANeed to urgently board my dog/ pet sit her from Wednesday to Friday. Any contacts?2 comments•14 views
1 year agoQnAHi all! My 1.5 month shih tzu puppy is licking floor and everything what ever he sees continuously… I don’t know how to stop my pup from this.. I tried boiling neem leaves in water and cleaning the floor with that water but still I failed to stop my pup… kindly suggest1 likes•3 comments•286 views
1 year agoStories"Thank you for being the one who always takes me on long walks and plays fetch with me. I love you, Dad! Happy Father's Day 🐾❤️👨👧👦" From Whiskey 🐶🐾10 likes•2 comments•209 views
9 months agoStoriesJack just had a grooming done by kuddle and he is happy and a wonderful job done by Ajay and team .4 likes•207 views