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Hi doctor When my dog eat or not eat then he is yellow colour ometing . please tell your advice .🙏
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My pet max is 8 yrs old, male dog. He is not eating food from morning There is no other symptoms . Wat to do any suggestions??
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A comprehensive guide to supplements for your dogs health
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My toy poodle is 52 days old. Adopted her 4 days back. she is refusing to eat all mini pup starters (kibbles). She was only eating cerelac but not much. since yesterday she is vomiting white colour vomit and yellowish poty. Need help! PS i am a very new pet parent.
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My dog has consumed ghee. Almost 400 grams. He is suffering from acidity. Yesterday he was vomiting, but he had urge to eat his normal food. But after eating he has thrown out again. What to do?
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