Do carrots and apples serve as antioxidants for dogs?
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hi. Yes. They do serve as antioxidants as well as excellent source of nutrients.
Kumar Vansh Moondra
Okay, how much should I feed him each day? Would one carrot and half an apple suffice? Pls suggest
For context, we currently feed him with three servings of Dibaq Sense Chicken & Duck grain-free kibbles daily. (3 times per day)
Dr. Tajunnisa M
You can give it as a treat rather. Give either a raw carrot or a cooked one but restrict giving carrot (just one in a day) to 3 to 4 times a week. Same applies to apple as well. If it’s Dunzo’s first time, give very small quantity initially then increase gradually. Remember to cut carrot pieces lengthwise/vertically and avoid horizontal cutting as it might choke while eating.