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hi all right now I have a male cat wch is a Indi breed and he is diagnosed with mycoplasma & i don't have any any idea wht is this disease abt...is it something to worry abt or life threatening disease....bcoz we have did the blood work done and taken the medice as well but he is constantly throwing up...and the colour is green....plz help me with this....and he has not ate anything since 2days
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Hi we have dog indie not showing interest to have food, and whatever he have food he is vommiting please suggest some medicine and why suddenly this behaviour in dog , from yesterday he is not feeling well.
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Hi doctor. my Male lhasa apso is 1.6 years old. He is healthy and eating also properly. My question is does dogs need preventive lab test done once a year to check if everything is okay or not?
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hi doc, I have a 2.5 year old male lab. he took his last deworming last week, he was eating 2meals everyday but from few days he is not touching food at all also (I mean his food) but he is eating treats and fruits, what could possibly go wrong.. can u suggest something
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