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What r some best pet food for my puppy Bheem
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This is my dog full body check up report. Please suggest. What’s the exact problem and how to feed him and quantity.
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Need a pet sitter for my 7 month old persian female cat ( 23rd -25 th feb ) Someone who can stay with her the whole time for these 3 days! Any leads would be appreciated:) Contact me - 9700234000
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Phoebe is extremely fussy about eating kibbles. I've tried all sorts of concealed feeding - with rice, curd, liver topping, chicken gravy.. Nothing works. She is used to home made food - ragi, dal/curd rice with veggies, eggs (twice a day), oats. So looks like kibbles arent that appealing anymore. Shd I be worried, given we don't feed chicken? She seems to be healthy, active and fit in general. Can I ease out kibbles in that case?
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