Anyone please?

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hi. No, it looks more like a nipple rather. In that case, please check the other side as well because nipples fall symmetrical and run parallel in alignment.
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Hi all , My cat unable to drink water, she can't lick anything not eating food since from yesterday. She was pregnant and very active cat till day before yesterday but yesterday bleeding occurred and i feel babies were aborted , Took cat to veterinarian they have given her pain killer injection , consulted kudle doctor also she explained and guided very well hope my cat recovers soon. Please drop your suggestions
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CONTEST ALERT!!! ⭕ How to participate? ⭕ 1. Follow us on Instagram (@kuddle.pet) 2. Post your favourite picture of your pet on Kuddle Social. 3. There's no step 3! 🍪 How to earn brownie points? 🍪 -Share Kuddle's Thanksgiving contest post on your Instagram stories and tag your friends in comments. (Post link- https://www.instagram.com/p/ClX-YWJs-gi/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) - Tell us about your favourite memory with your pet on Kuddle Social. 🏆 Winners will be chosen based on likes on your picture on Kuddle Social. More the likes, higher the chances of winning? 🏆 Get set woof 🐶😻🐾 (Note: This contest is valid only for Bangalore residents)
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