AAju1 year agoMy dog have so much of fleas on his paws. He is not allowing to remove it. How to remove it.?1392
2 years agoQnANeed to urgently board my dog/ pet sit her from Wednesday to Friday. Any contacts?2 comments•14 views
1 year agoQnACoco has some wound near his knee. I gave one s spoonful of virgin coconut oil in his food. He doesn't lick anymore and looks like healing. But there is another one I see near his paws. He doesn't allow anything to be applied. He limps also. It means it has a pain.4 comments•59 views
2 years agoQnAmy 2.5 months old lab ate onion by mistake and she is vomitting now , what can I do1 comments•28 views
2 years agoQnAGood morning doctor Shall I give chew stick and calcium bone to my 9month old lab puppy ...and how much quantity should I give him per day6 comments•72 views